Yet another transformation in publishing for my 44th annual wander through my musical experiences that started life as a hand-written list, morphed into a typed and photocopied newsletter and, in more recent years, a circulated email.  Because my Album of the Year 2006 is the first to be transmitted via the new-fangled medium of a Blog, assisted by the discovery of WordPress, a software package not dissimilar to use to the publishing software I have been using for the last fifteen years.

But the software wasn’t the only reason for the change, because these personal recollections have lost probably their most avid reader, the guy who not only widened the circulation of the printed version, but was also the primary reason for its change to an email when he moved to the ‘States some years ago – my long-time fellow music-enthusiast, Nigel Gray.  Unfortunately, Nigel tragically passed away in the middle of the year, way before his time, and that’s left a hole in a lot of peoples’ lives, not just mine.

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